no love for ned 
setlist for 2.09.2009 
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artist song title album title record label
the galactic heroes former hero uncapped - magic marker tens years later 5x7" compilation magic marker
billy sugarfix no love for ned theme    
darren hayman and the secondary modern fire stairs pram town track and field
bears since i met you simply machinery bears pop music
the besties julie jane home free hugpatch
dum dum girls catholicked s/t ep zoo music
the suspicions don't go don't go 7" nerve wracking
wavves beach demon beach demon 7" tic tac totally
mars 3e the complete studio recordings nyc 1977-1978 spooky sound
charles albright i'm on drugs i'm on drugs 7" sac
death politicians in my eyes for the whole world to see drag city
full blast higgs black hole atavistic
orchestre poly-rhythmo de cotonou iya me dji ki bi ni the vodoun effect - funk and soul from benin's obscure labels 1972-1975 analog africa
pan american for 'aiming at the stars' white bird release kranky
a setting sun and shigeto nothing had ever happened table for two moodgadget
sylvian chauveau geographie intime the black book of capitalism type
taylor deupree live in yamaguchi live one- mapping 12k
machinefabriek ijspret four ijspret ep (self-released)
windsor for the derby shaker difference and repetition young god
barzin lost notes to an absent lover monotreme
mountains sheets two choral thrill jockey
jon brion featuring deanne story little person synecdoche, new york soundtrack lakeshore
lover! foxhole madness man in the woods 7" rob's house
meyercord shit on my heart ball of wax volume thirteen compilation ball of wax
your heart breaks oh my darling sailor system don't stop believin'
city center bray (all day) gold girls 7" invisible friends
the very most april is the kindest month april ep indiecator
thomas function peanut butter and paranoia jam nomad 7" alive
jeremy jay in this lonely town slow dance k
friendly foes epic jamb born radical gangplank
the straight arrows close that door split 7" w/ the creteens resistance a go-go
bold ones hang out open your mouth 7" hozac
lovvers near enough for jazz near enough for jazz 7" johnson family
the preacher's kids is this love is this love 7" wrecked 'em
pens networking (myspace mp3) (unreleased)
boat nosebleeders on the track uncapped - magic marker ten years later 5x7" compilation magic marker