no love for ned 
setlist for 2.23.2009 
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artist song title album title record label
the boy least likely to when life gives me lemons i make lemonade the law of the playground too young to die
billy sugarfix no love for ned theme    
robbert bobbert and the bubble machine we r super heroes s/t little monster
boston spaceships queen of stormy weather the planets are blasted gbv inc.
sarah dougher keep one hand on the rudder harper's arrow chercez la femme
close lobsters skyscrapers of st. mirin what is there to smile about ep fire
butcher boy clockwork react or die how does it feel to be loved
dm stith pity dance heavy ghost asthmatic kitty
bosque brown went walking baby burnt toast vinyl
bird by snow lovers on our backs songbread / another ocean gnome life
the alps pure phase a path through the sun root strata
svarte greiner where am i (excerpt) kappe type
sky limousine undetected paradise side b (excerpt) undetected paradise cassette blackest rainbow
ernst reijseger ricercare colla parte winter and winter
nancy elizabeth coriander battle and victory leaf
sarah black music box (excerpt) aux - experimental sound from athens, georgia compilation ideas for creative exploration
fred anderson and hamid drake know your advantage (the great tradition) back together again thrill jockey
magic people fanciful man you are the magic people oklo
pillow talk teenage shut-in downtown unga wunga 7" columbus discount
blank dogs keeping all the time seconds 12" captured tracks
these are powers glass blocks all aboard future dead oceans
los saicos demolicion wild teen punk from peru electro harmonix
the mans war penis war penis 7" kenrock
the ghost of rock bad manners i can't get that evil wiener song out of my head - a tribute to evil wiener hypno-vista
condo fucks so easy baby fuckbook matador
the heartattacks that girl stay/go 7" plastic idol
smart went crazy d.c. will do that to you con art dischord
say hi maurine oohs and aahs barsuk
papercuts future primitive you can have what you want gnomonsong
a.c. newman the heartbreak rides get guilty matador
sally crewe and the sudden moves how can people wear that stuff? your nearest exit may be behind you eight-track mind
findlay brown i still want you love will find you this is music