no love for ned 
setlist for 8.17.2009 
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artist song title album title record label
sex clark five can't shake loose strum and drum beehive rebellion
billy sugarfix no love for ned theme    
explode into colors coffins coffins 7" m'lady's
meth teeth this is not my home everything went wrong lp woodsist
the high water marks sinking ships arivar sullimer cassette fox pop
the crepes what else? what else? lp phonica
reigning sound something to hold on to love and curses in the red
ducktails spring landscapes lp olde english spelling bee
huaraches (untitled two) s/t sailing
pekka streng and tasavallan presidentti makea sandra magneettimiehen kuolema love
arimoto the circular flower the flying garden in the painting lp bracken
samara lubelski silver hair future slip ecstatic peace
helado negro ver a ver awe owe asthmatic kitty
lol coxhill, steve lacy and evan parker backlash three blokes fmp
jandek the places you left me, part seven hasselt saturday corwood industries
misha mengelberg trio september song no idea diw
lambchop national talk like a pirate day live at xx merge (unreleased)
lambchop hey, where's your girl? live at xx merge (unreleased)
lambchop your fucking sunny day live at xx merge (unreleased)
lambchop up with people live at xx merge (unreleased)
lambchop give it / once in a lifetime live at xx merge (unreleased)
count basie and his orchestra lil' darlin' (live) basie swings standards pablo
hrvatski atelier oiseaux 96-98 reckankreuzungsklankewerkzeuge
the xx heart skipped a beat xx young turks
risil there was to be non meters volume one important
tugboat el scorcho weezer - the eight bit tribute pterodactyl squad
silk flowers night shades s/t post present medium
hecuba suffering paradise lp minimal vinyl
[ingenting] halleluja! tomhet, idel tomhet labrador
brendan benson borrow my old, familiar friend ato
spoon rhthm and soul live at spoonx3 (self-released)